Welcome to Color Step Game

A dynamic dance pad game that combines physical movement, pattern recognition, and rhythm to create an engaging learning experience for kids.

Player standing in front of screen with matching floor pattern

Physical Activity

Get moving with an interactive dance experience

Cognitive Development

Enhance pattern recognition and memory skills

Rhythm Training

Move to the beat with upbeat background music

Progressive Learning

Advance through increasingly challenging rounds

DIY Dance Pad Setup
Create your own dance pad to play the game physically

Materials Needed

  • 1
    4 sheets of colored paper/cardboard (red, green, blue, yellow) - standard construction paper size
  • 2
    Clear packing tape or lamination sheets for protection
  • 3
    Masking tape or painter's tape for securing to floor
  • 4
    Non-slip mat or rubber backing (optional)
  • 5

Assembly Steps

  1. Step 1: Prepare the Squares

    Cut your colored materials into four equal squares. Make sure they're large enough to step on comfortably.

  2. Step 2: Protect the Surface

    Cover each square with clear packing tape or laminate them to protect the colors and increase durability. Note that this can make the surface more slippery - refer to the safety notice about appropriate footwear.

  3. Step 3: Add Non-slip Backing

    Attach non-slip material to the back of each square to prevent sliding during gameplay.

  4. Step 4: Arrange and Secure the Grid

    Layout the squares in a 2×2 grid on a flat surface. Use masking tape or painter's tape to securely fasten each square to the floor. Make sure to tape down all edges to prevent tripping. Arrange them matching the pattern shown below:

Setup Tips
Optimize your play space for the best experience

Space Requirements

  • • Clear area of at least 6×6 feet (1.8×1.8 meters)
  • • Well-lit room or space
  • • Flat, stable surface
  • • Screen visible from dance pad position


  • • Place dance pad 6-8 feet from screen
  • • Ensure clear line of sight to display
  • • Keep area free from obstacles
  • • Consider room for movement between squares
Group Play Setup
Create multiple dance pads for group activities

For group activities and multiplayer fun, you can create multiple dance pads:

  • • Create identical dance pads following the same instructions above
  • • Position pads at least 4 feet (1.2 meters) apart
  • • Ensure each player has clear view of the screen
  • • Consider using a larger display or TV when casting
  • • Take turns or play simultaneously for added excitement